Every Child is Innocent, Save them from the Fear.


It’s a scourge on modern society. Millions of children around the world are trafficked or trapped in sexual exploitation with little hope for freedom. We bring freedom. We shine a light in the darkness.


Child Protection and Maltreatment in the Philippines

To gain a better understanding of the dimensions, characteristics and phenomenon of child maltreatment and its policy responses in the Philippines, this article provides a systematic review of the peer reviewed literature. This review provides a summary and analysis of the core child maltreatment issues in the Philippines and examines child protection policy responses. It takes a systematic approach, identifying 31 peer reviewed articles from a diverse range of scholarship that met its criteria, and subjected to a quality appraisal tool. Its findings provide important details about child maltreatment and child protection arrangements in the Philippines. It recommends further research into policy and programmatic approaches to child maltreatment, a greater focus on the social, cultural and structural influences on child maltreatment, and investigation into child maltreatment, particularly child sexual abuse, in contexts outside of the home, such as in institutions.



We strive to bring children out of darkness, but we’d rather they weren’t there in the first place. We have Prevention Homes in different countries where we care for at-risk children – often siblings of rescued girls – until they of age to find safe employment or higher education.


If Rescue is the starter’s gun, then Restoration is the marathon. This is where the long yet joyful healing process begins. Rescued children are taken to safe houses where they sleep safely, receive education, vocational training, counseling and healthcare, spiritual guidance and, most importantly, love.